I sold my first doelings of this year. So sad, but they went to a good farm. I have two more that I will sell in July. I have 3 bucks that are super and I would love to sell for breeding. And another 8 that will go to market in August.
My Kiko/pygmy buck got to several does and I have precious kids that I cannot sell for breeding or meat, too small. A friend is getting them.
I had one little doeling die, broke my heart, she was my pet. She came over and I would hold her and she would press on my chest. I loved that. I buried her by my flower garden.
I have one doe left to kid, her udder filled up and I am waiting. that is the hard part, waiting.
My buck broke out of his area last Monday and I have left him out. But I have not seen him mount any doe. He is grey from his spray, usually snow white, and smells........ But he is happy. Funny...
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