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Monday, October 25, 2010


I put 10 does in with Gab and went to Church... Came home and there were two extra does. I got one out but the other ran from me. Today,I went out and 4 extra does. These are 7 month olds that I wasn't going to breed until Spring. I guess they have other ideas.
Teens, what to do with them....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Breeding Day

I have 10 does in with my handsome buck, Gab. He is sooo happy. I love to watch him, running from doe to doe. After awhile , he flooped down and was resting. A doe walks up and starts rubbing on him and up he goes... He will be pooped aftera  few days.

Friday, October 22, 2010

It's Friday

I found a new feed product called chaffhaye and I am going to buy some bags of it and see how the goats and other like it. So road trip today.
They are enjoying the new area I fenced it and are getting fatter. Even the long horn mom has filled out. Also feeding lespedeza hay and they like it.
Cooler this am, Fall is here.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Beautiful Day

Loving this weather. Great sleeping for me.
I bought some lespedeza round bales and the goats love it. I am going to get some chaffhaye this week and see how that goes
Finished fencing a new area and let the goats in and they are happy. more forage  and this might last a couple of months.
Sowd rape, hairy vetch and a rye mix in the power line area. This should be up and reasy to eat in a month. Yea. 
So pooped... Praise the Lord for my life and family

Thursday, October 14, 2010

14 Oct 10

Rainning which is great for the seeds I threw out yesterday. I found rape, hairy vetch and a rye mix. Hope his does well.. Also fencing in another 10 acre and the goats are thrilled. Lot of forage to eat. They are good for another month or so with this area.
Nov I will put 12 does with the buck and hope for twins and triplets in 5 months. Then later put the remainng does  with the buck in the Spring. This may or maynot work. If it doesn't work in Feb I will try again in May or June.
So pooped these days.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

cooler weather

This weather seems to agree with everyone. All of critters got out the other day. The horse learned how to underdo the gate.  i wasn't home and all goats, horse, donkeys and long horns got out. The goats ate the leaves on my rose bushes, flowers on my mums.. They got out the next day and then I fixed a chain. So they are contained again. I will hear the gate bang when they try to undo it. they are not happy with me.