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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

I went to the 11pm service at Church.. When I cam home a rooster was crowing over and over again... Made me think of what they say about at midnight... All the goats were eating hay., the night was mild...
I had a doe die before Christmas and that made me sad.. She had a 6 wks old doeling.   She is doing well. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

My life has been interesting... I had 10 kids born around thanksgiving. I wasn't planning for them.... But all are well and growing like weeds. I should have more in Feb and maybe May... Life is never dull around here...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I was watching my main buck court his does. He is a lover. He rubs them, smell them and talks to them. then he might breed them. I thought the season was over but now he is all stinky again and going after does. This last mating put me into Feb...I thought the month of Dec would be my kid month. Now who knows

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August 24, 2011

lovely cooler night, but it still warmed up a bit..The goats seem to like the cooler weather ..
I have two buck I would to sell for breeding , really nice fellows. But if I cannot ell them to the meat market they will go...
Yesterday I felt the earth quake, I wish I had been with the goats to see their reactions. But noreaction when I did see them..
Today, I had some left over celery with hummus and I gave it to the goats. You would have thought I gave the moon. They gobbled it up... So funny,

I need help but no money to pay, I am checking on grants but nothing yet.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Aug 3, 2011

Today is so hot....almost a 100....Tomorrow the same. I make sure they have fresh cool water. But my Border Collie like to jump in the trough to cool off. Then I feel I have to refill the trough. They are talking to me a lot.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Aug 2, 2011

Today is my younger son's birthday.. It was a blessed day to have him. He has been a wonderful son and I am proud to have him and this great 3 children....
Way to hot...Goats don't like the heat either.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

sold first goats for meat

I have nurse friends from the Philipines and they like goat. Sold two yesterday. The going rate is $2.25 a lb , so I did $2/lb.  It was sad to see them go but happy that I am doing what I set out to do...

I have more to sell , I have to get a better way to catch them...I was covered in sweat. Phew and smelled....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wed, July 20, 2011

What a day, my goats got out and it took 45 min to get them back in,  They really talked to me afterwards, complaining they wanted back out. So I was pooped before the day started

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19, 2011

Heat is back!!!!The cooler weather was sooo nice... My goats are lying around in the shade trying to stay cool... They come up to get a scratch and then go lie down again. Everything is in slow motion.   I love to sit and talk to them.. I have one baby that is 3 wks and she wants to play and no one will play with her. Funny...
We had some rain but it warmed back up...Yuck...
Tomorrow all the bucks are going into their own area. Too much interest in sisters,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 13, 2011

I have one new doeling, who is two weeks old now. Great condition....
This past month I lost 4 goats to Barber Pole parasites. I really thought I had a handle on this parasite. this is the part of raising goats I do not like..
We have had days of close to 100' days. So glad it cooling down tomorrow.
I have 3 doelings to sell in late August...Three great bucks to sell and more to take to market. Then we start all over again.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Time flies

I sold my first doelings of this year. So sad, but they went to a good farm.  I have two more that I will sell in July. I have 3 bucks that are super and I would love to sell for breeding. And another 8 that will go to market in August.
My Kiko/pygmy buck got to several does and I have precious kids that I cannot sell for breeding or meat, too small. A friend is getting them. 
I had one little doeling die, broke my heart, she was my pet. She came over and I would hold her and she would press on my chest. I loved that. I buried her by my flower garden.
I have one doe left to kid, her udder filled up and I am waiting. that is the hard part, waiting.
My buck broke out of his area last Monday and I have left him out. But I have not seen him mount any doe. He is grey from his spray, usually snow white, and smells........ But he is happy. Funny...

Monday, April 25, 2011

KIds growing fast

My oldest kids were born March 15, and the last are two wks old. Most have doubled their birth weight or more. Now some of them are so big I think they are adults. Excited about selling them. I hope to see some for breeding but most to the meat market. There are 3 that are smaller and I hope to find a home for them to be pets. This is the hard part when raising goats, what to do with the smaller ones.
And I am hatching 61 guinea eggs, hope to sell most of them. And I have one chicken sitting on eggs , so I am going to put more under her.
Yea, warm weather.  lots to do outside

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29, 2011 New kids

I have been busy the last two weeks, 18 kids so far and two does still left. Everyone doing well, except me. I'm pooped. Mostly boys, but I guess that is okay. 1 set of triplets, 3 sets of twins and the rest singles.

Monday, March 14, 2011

kids coming

Wow, 2 months and the time has flown by. Kids due next week... Still a ton to do.. And baby chicks will be hatching. I didn't want chicks but didn't see this hen sitting until too late. So baby chicks and baby kids.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Winter snow again

It is so much snow again. This is the 3rd time this winter and there is alot of winter left.
I sold the Long horns to a family that raise beef. And they took my bottle babies, that were spoiled rotten. They have an 8 yr old to play with them,..
The goats are expecting extra food. Hay is enough but the does are pregnant so I am a ole softy. 
It is great to walk outside and the goats called out to me.