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Green Jean

Green Jean

wrecked truck

wrecked truck
good bye ole friend

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Time flies by and I had forgotten about this blog. Sold lots of does, still have more to sell.
I bought 8 alpacas and things were going great then 3 died . Thought the world had ended.
So sad to lose animals.

Hatching chicks and keets though. They are so cute when little. One hatching is all roosters. They have to go. I have more I don't know the sex and a guinea sitting on eggs. 3 wks and hope all hatch.

Weather turned hot again, yuck!!!

Almost 2013

I can't believe I haven't posted since April!  So many changes here.  I bought 8 alpacas and lost 5 to parasites. Very sad. I sold most of my goats and bought some dairy does. My plan is to milk and make cheese and butter.
I rescued another horse, a mustang, 26 yr old named Dusty. He is gaining weight.
Still working on my house but getting a lot closer! Praise The Lord !!!