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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hot days and no energy

I am tired of sweating at 8 am. I am going to clean out the barn in the am with my two boys helpers.
I have two does that I had to use chemical wormers, they got thin overnight, or so it seems. One is doing better than the other.
I bought two new does and I am very impressed by them. I will breed them in the Spring with my new buck.
I have to take some bucks to the meat market. One looks good but no one wants him. He is 75% Kiko
I had a car wreck and lost my truck . Trying to find a replacement is driving me crazy. And fighting with insurance. Plus going to doc over my knee that hit the dase. It is stiff and hard to work the way I need to.
Got to hit the sack so I can get up early to beat some heat


  1. I hope things start getting better for you. Best of luck!

  2. thanks, i want to be a better goat herder like you guys....I am trying to do too much at one time. I have a 100 yr house that i working on and learning more about my goats, donkeys, horse and long horns.
